Aug 8, 2010

Motif 2 Available; Call for Motif 3

The second annual volume in the Motif Anthology Series just arrived from the printer! I’m proud my poem “One Sperm” is published in Motif 2: Come What May, An Anthology of Writings about Chance.

We all are marked by some chance encounter, some happenstance in our lives, some bit of good luck or misfortune, a missed opportunity or a fleeting glimpse, some salvation through the kind-hearted actions of others. We might even argue that a good portion of our literary inspiration probably comes from witnessing some unplanned moment with an unusual outcome. Volume 2 of the Motif Anthology Series represents many of those random occasions. Motif 2: Come What May, An Anthology of Writings about Chance is brimming with the best short fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and song lyrics that speak to the theme of chance. 136 writers provide their literary notions on this motif, a theme tied together with the elusive twines of accident, coincidence, fluke, prospect, and mystery.

Motif 2: Come What May is published by MotesBooks (Louisville, Ky) and is the second anthology in the annual series. Motif 1: Writing by Ear, An Anthology of Writings about Music was published in 2009. Both anthologies are available directly from the publisher. To order:

To submit to their next anthology on the theme WORK:

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