Sep 10, 2008

Call for submissions: miscproj

miscproj is a blogmag; it is a continuation of the hard-copy poetry magazine Misc. Proj., which was published in Atlanta in the late 1990s. Work accepted will be published within a few weeks of acceptance. We're very interested in seeing submissions of poems. But we are also quite open to essays on poetics, and book reviews. Like the initial paper mag, the current version of miscproj will feature miscellaneous projects relating to poetry: interviews, essays, comments on the poetry scene, debates.

A blogmag follows the logic of the blog software: we do not publish issues, but rather post work in a continuing stream. Items in a blogmag relate to each other without the mediation of larger "issue" groupings.

Please visit the blogmag for your reading pleasure. Before submitting you should become familiar with the material there, especially the overall range of poetics mapped out by the first five issues, which have been mounted in online facsimile form and my be viewed at the blogmag.

send all submissions to:

Mark Prejsnar
Katra DeMill
Sally Traub

editorial committee

James Sanders
John Lowther

technical editors

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